Love List

Monday, August 27, 2018


I'm just going to start off by saying acne is the worst and its really disgusting and most of all acne is so hard to get rid of. SO, here are my tips from me to you: 

  • drink lots and I mean lots of water, water is the best substance in the world for you but not only that water clears out all the nasty toxins in your skin so you have no more acne. 

  •  you are probably gonna hate but its true and so healthy for you, EXERCISE, and do it almost every single day. You should have a set routine that you do everyday for exercising. As much as you might hate exercising, it honestly is so healthy for you, because one, you sweat off all the nasty toxins from your skin, and two you stay fit and healthy, BONUS...a two for one!

  •  wear very little makeup and basically just try not to wear heavy makeup all the time because that is what clogs your pores up the most and cause a lot of acne.

  •  tip number 4 wash your face every night before bad, and 1 to 2 times a week put on a face mask to really detoxify your face. By following all these steps your skin will for sure be all silky smooth and clean.

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My DAILY routine:
  1. brush my teeth then put on all my makeup. FYI go check out my blog for FIND YOUR STYLE FOR THE 8TH GRADE because it has all the products I use and all my makeup tips.
  2. I get dressed for the day and wait until night time comes to relax and take all my makeup off
  3. around 5:00 pm I will start my workout routine and sweat of all those nasty toxins in my pours. comment if you would like me to do a blog on my workout routine to stay fit
  4. Lastly, I take my face wash and scrub my face good and wash it off then 1 to 2 times a week I will put a face mask on. If you would like to see my skincare routine go check out my YouTube video i will leave the link right HERE.   
I hope this skincare routine helps you with your acne.
XOXO, Gracie Veith

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


      Having to wear a uniform is not the best thing in the world, but its doable. Having a uniform can be so plain sometimes, even our everyday outfits may be plain at times and you're probably thinking, well, "how can I jazz my outfit up"? and I have the answer to that question its called accessorizing!!!!!!!!!!! For example you can accessorize with bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, scarfs,and chokers. With a little bit of of accessorizing your outfit will for sure pop!     

How to accessorize, personally how I accessorize my outfits is by grabbing every source of accessory that I can find, and lay them next to my outfit, and find the accessory that I truly fall in love with FIRST that will make my such-boring-outfit look spectacular. When trying to find an accessory that will add a little pop-of-style can be hard sometimes but again you have to go with what your gut feeling says, that would look good. Whatever draws your attention first you know it will be perfect.
Thursday, August 9, 2018


Making Friends

The first step to 8th grade is to make friends and make them fast. Friends are key to Middle School so you have people to talk to about your day, fun adventures, ideas, share laughs and deep secrets with. Yes I know it may be a struggle for some people to make friends because they may be to shy or too embarrassed, I mean the list goes on...

Steps to make friends quick:

  • On the first day of school when you get your assigned seats/tables start making small talk to the people next to you and have confidence, it works all the time I mean that’s how I met some of my best friends throughout elementary school and as I entered middle school.
  • small talk is basically just saying "how was your summer?", "What did you do this summer?", its really just asking simple questions like that so its not awkward.
  • After you make small talk you are going to want to ask to sit with them at lunch.  Have specific meeting place so you guys don’t loose each other in a big scary mob, I know...been there, done that.
  • Keeping a friend is important too, be consistent, be kind and considerate, that is the key to being a good friend. 

If you use these tips you will for sure make at least one good friend. You can believe me with that one, I mean I have one year of middle school left and then I’m off to face an even bigger challenge, HIGH SCHOOL!  But I want to make this last year in middle school a great one and make as many new friends as possible. I mean yeah it’s nerve racking to talk to your new classmates, heck I’m nervous to for this year but I’m going to take my own advice and use it to make 8th grade spectacular!!!!!!


Teachers! Doesn’t that sound even more nerve racking?...but trust me all your teachers are there to teach you to learn. I mean yeah, duh, you guys already know that, but what I’m trying to say is they’re not there to be mean to you or to be your friend, I mean yes some teachers may seem mean but  they all have a different way of teaching you just have to get to know your teacher before you judge, and respect for each other is important too. If you get to know your teachers better you’ll understand their teaching and realize that you can pass that class and succeed. But enough of me rambling on and on, and on.  I hope this blog post helped some of you guys out for that nerve wrecking first day of school.

Gracie Dilla 😁 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Choosing an outfit for the first day of school can be stressful many students.  Below I list some key points to think about when you are choosing that perfect outfit. 

First day of school outfit:
  • Find an outfit that you truly fall in love with and will make a truthful statement about who YOU are.
  • find something that makes you feel confident AND comfortable. 
  • choose your outfit based on your you like subtle or bold colors? or are you stuck wearing a uniform like me?
  • If you wear a uniform, you can always accessorize with: hair ties, scrunchies, earrings, chokers, rings and bracelets, cute socks and funky shoes. 
Im more of a subtle color kind of girl.  Minimalist, I like simple and clean.  So from time to time I will post things that will be bright and funky, and more than likely, they will come from my sisters' side of the closet.

Makeup or no makeup?

Truly, and honestly I would wear a 'clean face' of makeup and make it  super natural. You never want to go to school, especially in middle school, with a full face of super cakey makeup. Trust me, cakey makeup never looks good. Cakey make up also leaves room for people to talk about you and spread rumors (trust me rumors spread fast in middle school), and you don't want to be known as the girl with the super thick/black eyebrows or foundation.  Like my mom always says, "a little goes along way", which is so true, with a little makeup you will make a great impression of who you really are.

Makeup tips:
  • wear BB cream instead of heavy foundation because BB cream give a clean fresh slate for a teen girl. Its basically a mix of foundation and moisturizer together and even has sunscreen inside!!! #faceprotection
  • get a liquid or cream blush because you could also use that as tint for your lips, followed with chapstick or lip gloss right over your tinted lips so you have that fresh dewy look
  • put very little eyebrow makeup and put brow gel to hold your brow hairs in place. #onfleek
  • curl your eyelashes and put very little mascara on so you still look natural
  • put a light orange/beige eye shadow on so it doesn't look too bold but still fresh and pigmented 
Stay tuned for the next blog on the 8th grade!

Gracie Dilla :)