Love List

Monday, August 27, 2018


I'm just going to start off by saying acne is the worst and its really disgusting and most of all acne is so hard to get rid of. SO, here are my tips from me to you: 

  • drink lots and I mean lots of water, water is the best substance in the world for you but not only that water clears out all the nasty toxins in your skin so you have no more acne. 

  •  you are probably gonna hate but its true and so healthy for you, EXERCISE, and do it almost every single day. You should have a set routine that you do everyday for exercising. As much as you might hate exercising, it honestly is so healthy for you, because one, you sweat off all the nasty toxins from your skin, and two you stay fit and healthy, BONUS...a two for one!

  •  wear very little makeup and basically just try not to wear heavy makeup all the time because that is what clogs your pores up the most and cause a lot of acne.

  •  tip number 4 wash your face every night before bad, and 1 to 2 times a week put on a face mask to really detoxify your face. By following all these steps your skin will for sure be all silky smooth and clean.

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My DAILY routine:
  1. brush my teeth then put on all my makeup. FYI go check out my blog for FIND YOUR STYLE FOR THE 8TH GRADE because it has all the products I use and all my makeup tips.
  2. I get dressed for the day and wait until night time comes to relax and take all my makeup off
  3. around 5:00 pm I will start my workout routine and sweat of all those nasty toxins in my pours. comment if you would like me to do a blog on my workout routine to stay fit
  4. Lastly, I take my face wash and scrub my face good and wash it off then 1 to 2 times a week I will put a face mask on. If you would like to see my skincare routine go check out my YouTube video i will leave the link right HERE.   
I hope this skincare routine helps you with your acne.
XOXO, Gracie Veith

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